Hello all just registered at the list Been using Inkscape for a while now, and I like it, but there are some points I want to discuss:
- PDF export: the file size (in Mb) of the PDFs I export from Inkscape.
Comparing with other draw soft (like Corel), those PDFs created by Inkscape are _huge_. Why?
- Bitmap import: I seems to me that bitmaps are imported as if they were
72dpi, so if you have a 300dpi image, it comes very big. IMO, images should be imported with the size defined by the resolution of the image.
- Guidelines snap: if I don't want to snap, I just turn that off, but after
I moved an object or create nother guideline, snap is on again! Is this a bug or a feature? If it is a feature, please remove. I don't want to keep turning snap off every time.
- General preferences: anyway I can set up my preferences (like units in mm,
page a4, etc) for _ever_? Every time I create a document I have to change units from px to mm, etc. that's annoying. Same goes to Alignment. I'd like to set up so alignment would _by default_ be about the last selected object. (which is a much more useful IMO, people want to align two things, but usually one of them is a reference, so default should be either last or first selected, not "selection").
-I don't know about most of you people, but that little hand that replaces the arrow cursor when some object can be moved.. I hate that hand :), I would be much more happy with a plain arrow cursor all the time I'm using the "selector" tool, like in most programs.
- I _really miss_ shortcuts for alignment, like "b" for bottom , "t" for top
and so on. This makes life _much much_ easier (and faster).
- This should be a little silly but, how can I change the shortcut for
display mode? what is Crtl+KP_5?
Well, I guess that's it so far Keep up the excellent work!