Hi, I have some modeling software which is able to export to SVG. Unfortunately, the SVG exporter isn't perfect, and the documents it exports do not have a width or height set on the top-level SVG element. I'm now trying to use Inkscape from the command line to export these document as PS or EPS, and it understandably is giving me this warning message:
** (inkscape:13070): WARNING **: Could not set export-bbox-page option for this export.
And the document that it returns has what looks like inkscapes default page width and height set. The same is true if I use -l to export as plain SVG.
I can, however, still query the document using -W and -H to get its bounds, and I can use -D with the PNG exporter to get a raster of the entire document. I'd like to do the same thing with PS export, but I can't seem to figure out how. Is this possible? Right now, the best solution I have been able to come up with is using inkscape to query to documents width and height and inserting them into the document root using sed before finally attempting to use inkscape to export as PS. I think there must be a cleaner solution than this, though. Manually setting the width and height of the generated PS document using command-line flags would be enough, but I can't seem to get it to work.
I'd appreciate any guidance anyone can offer. Thanks,