On 05/10/2011 01:16 AM, Allan Javier Aguilar Castillo wrote:
El 09/05/11 13:25, Sébastien Lanteigne escribió:
Hi, Does anyone know what license covers the Inkscape logo. Many open source project are using restrictive licenses to cover their visial identity. Is it the case with Inkscape?
I'm asking because I usually release my work under Creative commons but I'm not sure if I can include the logo and release if the logo is under something like gpl which would require me to release un the same license.
I other words. Can I use the logo in something like this
And release it under Creative common?
Hello, Sébastien! Apparently, there is no a clearly statement about
the copyright of Inkscape logo or the license to use it [1]. However, as it is not specified otherwise, there is the assumption that the logo has been released under the GPL 2 license since it is part of the source of Inkscape.
[1] http://old.nabble.com/Inkscape-logo-license-tt22659124.html
Right I'll put a note since the GPL is not compatible with the CC SA-3.0 I.m using.