-----Original Message----- From: Kalman KHIRALY [mailto:khiraly123@...961...] Sent: zondag 8 maart 2009 0:23 To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Inkscape-user] Trim/extend feature questions
I would like to achieve a trim/extent feature like in many CAD-like application can be found.
Here is a little screenshot what I trying to do: http://khiraly.googlepages.com/trim_extend.png
Here are the steps what I did: There are two lines and a circle, so
- I converted the circle to path
- I opened up the circle
- I duplicated the line, and go to the Path->Cut Path
menuitem 4. I repeated the above step to the other line
Sadly this precedure involves some imprecisement, I zoomed into, and created this screenshot: http://khiraly.googlepages.com/circle-imprecise.png
Can somebody propose a precodure where the result is mathematically correct, and does not have imprecisement? Needless to say, that I cant union the three paths together...
We have been working on integrating a new math library (lib2geom) into Inkscape. Unfortunately, the boolean ops in that library need still a bit of work, although they already work pretty nice. They should be more precise than the boolops we have now. I can't say how long it will take to convert to the new library, sorry. But we are working on it :-)
Cheers, Johan