I'm a heavy inkscaper at work and I use it every day. At home, though, not so much. But I recently had to work for home, so I launched my copy of Inkscape which turned out to be a rather old one and, to my dismay, noticed that I had to wait about 10 seconds after the Inkscape window appears before I could do anything. So, downloaded a fresh copy of 0.91-pre2 and sadly, the same thing.
Here's what I'm seeing: *Inkscape window appears after a few seconds (maximized). no dockables. *Nothing happens until I click on the canvas. *After I click, program seems to halt, window title says "not responding" *After 10 seconds, dockables appear, program can be used
Now, I'm not seeing this at work. My home system is recent and stronf. Windows 7, 64bit, 8GB RAM, solid state HD. so if anything it should be even faster than at work, but something is stopping it. Did anybody run into a similar problem? I tried deleting preferences, no change.
Oh, one more thing, might be related: a few icons are showing a "missing file" icon instead of the normal one. preferences, undo, redo.