Sorry if "adjustment" is not the word here, I'm translating from Spanish. If not, I refer to the magic that snaps the cursor to the grid when resizing an object, or creating a new one, for example.
The issue is the following: in a previous version (.38), I used to switch the grid on and off with "#" (vry, very handy) and with the grid, also I was switching on and off the "adjustment". This way, I could work always with the grid & snap, but when wanted to draw freely I just switched with "#".
Now, with "#" the only thing that goes on and off is the grid, but not the "adjustment" (it adjusts to nothing, because the grid is not drew, but it still adjusts). This is very annoying to me, because to be able to work freely and back, and need to go the config, change the settings, and then again to go back.
Is this intended or a bug? There's some workaround to this behaviour?
Thank you very much!
Facundo Batista Desarrollo de Red fbatista@...321... (54 11) 5130-4643 Cel: 15 5097 5024