Dear all,
I'm just starting out with Inkscape but I have this feeling there is something wrong with my installation.
I'm running Inkscape 0.91 on Ubuntu 16.10 (i.e., I installed from a package and not source).
I'm trying to draw an arrow. After I draw a line with the Bezier tool, I hit Shift+CTRL+F and select the Stroke style tab. From there, I think if I want an arrow head, I would select it from one of the 3 pull-down lists next to the word "Markers". However, I have no choices to choose from. I just have a horizontal line. When I click on them, I have nothing to choose from.
A colleague is using the Microsoft Windows version and can confirm that he has arrow heads to choose from using the same steps that I'm using. Am I missing something? A setting perhaps? I've tried looking for instructions online to "activate" the markers but can't seem to find anything...though, in truth, I'm not sure what I should be looking for.
Thank you and sorry for the very basic question!