Yes I just got around to trying that myself.  Two things are required to make this work.

1.  Remove the Inkscape defined width and height settings (which forces the scaling to 100% of the defined "viewport"
2.  Define a viewBox.

I defined a viewbox the size of the image like:

viewBox="0 0 824 624"

And this did the trick.  Seems like this should definitely be an option in Inkscape.  If not the default.


On Dec 21, 2007 11:25 AM, Odo <odo.suiadan@...155...> wrote:
Hi, wieing at the source code, the not scaling svg has defined width and height. instead the one witch is scalling right donīt.

have you tried to remove this properties?

"Saludos" froms spain

> Hi Folks,
> This is probably a newbie kind of a question but I couldn't find the answer
> in the docs or FAQ after 30 minutes or so of looking.
> When I create an drawing and save it as .svg the image doesn't scale when I
> open it in Mozilla Firefox or embed it in HTML.
> Examples:
> The following image is in SVG format and scales when the browser is resized
> (I don't know what was used to create this SVG):
> The following image was created in Inkscape and doesn't scale:
> Is there a simple setting that will update the XML in the SVG file to allow
> for this scaling?
> Frank

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