On Jun 20, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Terry Brown wrote:
On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 10:47:27 -0500 Terry Brown <terry_n_brown@...12...> wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jun 2009 15:48:21 -0500 Terry Brown <terry_n_brown@...12...> wrote:
Hi all,
I've got a project set up in inkscape, designed for two color (green and black) spot color printing.
First I'm going to send a PDF to the printing service and ask if it will work for them.
Sounds like the printer can meet me half way with this, they want me to make the "black layer" in the PDF "grayscale" (kind of like black spot color?) instead of CMYK.
Just to finish the story, I moved all the artwork over to Scribus to make something the printer could use. I've heard about the idea of Inkscape evolving into a more modular system... if it could every be integrated with Scribus that would be fantastic :-)
Inkscape has support for ICC-profile color, and some denotation of spot colors. The latest development version of Scribus has already begun adding import of more precise color in SVG import.