1 Apr
1 Apr
6:26 p.m.
Hi again, A new option added to allow redimensioning. Here is a pic: https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85dash-stroke-lpe-unify-dashes-op...
Soon in master...
Cheers, Jabier.
On Sun, 2018-04-01 at 12:51 +0200, Jabier Arraiza wrote:
Hey folks,
Whit the help of Lazur and the thread: http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=24175&p=83448&... =s troke+dash#p83448 just do a tiny LPE to fix it.
Here are the new video showing it (no audio):
Hope is useful since is not included in the SVG spec.
With love, Jabiertxo.