On Mon, 9 Apr 2007 09:47:02 -0700, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...983...> wrote:
As well, one could argue that given the difference in rendering performance between livarot and cdraw, there is still performance optimization gains to be achieved, that may be more beneficial to shoot for, if people are interested in working on extending Inkscape's cpu performance.
cairo should help there too -- it isn't up to cdraw levels yet, but I understand recent versions have gotten faster than livarot for many things.
IIRC, a year ago memory limitations were a larger concern than cpu?
Yes, and in fact memory issues with livarot are still the main driver behind cairo migration.
One last question with threading - with extensions IIRC they currently block until the child is complete; if extensions could be done as independen sub-processes
Strictly speaking, I don't think that's something we would need to use threads to address. If we did not block, we would still need to disable interaction for those windows with the document that the extension is currently operating upon.
could that address any of the use cases where cpu performance is an issue?
Probably not. Although we can make the experience a little nicer, the user has to wait for the extension to complete one way or the other.