On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 08:29 +0000, Plácido Sousa wrote:
I am trying to update the default icon set. I' ve Installed development versions os inkscape in both Linux and Windows There's a new interface options in setting where you can choose from small/medium/normal icons (cool).
normal :: 24x24 px medium :: 16x16 px ?!? small :: 16x16 px
Can anyone (developer - probably not the best place to ask this!!!) confirm that this is the way inkscape is going. previously some icons were 22x22 px
I am considering doing two icon files
- 16x16 :: small
- 24x24 :: normal
It would be even better if both icon's sizes could be in the same
place so that inkscape picked the correct size.
In my opinion, at such a small size, vectorial icons don't scale in a
sharp way.
No, sorry but it's not.
Rather, those sizes are all relative, and change depending on the linux distribution, theme, user screen resolution, etc.
Additionally, sometimes those different logical sizes have the same physical size, but sometimes they don't.
One thing some have done is do multiple icon versions in one. http://jimmac.musichall.cz/log/?p=436/
We're looking at having Inkscape support that type of thing natively. There was a proposed feature for 1.2 that doesn't look like it's making it, however there might be some other ways.