On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 03:38:22PM +0200, jiho wrote:
On 2007-April-16 , at 14:32 , Donn wrote:
effects > modify path > color markers to match stroke it may deserve a FAQ indeed (if there is not one already, I did not check)
Cool - oddball, but cool.
Yes, this is just a workaround now. Is there someone investigating the possibility to do it more easily? Bryce I think I remember you talked about this quite some time ago.
Yep, this unfortunately is an area where the SVG spec had let us down, as it didn't really describe how to handle this (seemingly common) situation until SVG 1.2 (which iirc is still not finalized). So, we can implement it the way they describe, although it's a tad complicated and subject to change. I haven't done much work on this myself, but I'd be happy to share my notes with anyone that'd like to take a shot at coding on it.
I cannot find it in the FAQ, so that would be helpfull.
I added a FAQ in the English FAQ. Should I notice someone so that it gets translated? http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ FAQ#How_do_I_change_the_color_of_markers_.28e.g._arrow_ends.29.3F It is very sparse, it would be nice if someone knowledgeable could expand a little on why markers are currently black and what is necessary to have them working properly.
The reason they're black is because rather than simply being a fixed property of a line, they're implemented as separate referenced drawing elements that are pasted onto the line at given spots. This is clearly an extremely flexible design, allowing just about any chunk of svg to be used as a marker. However, communicating style elements (like colors) between the line and this separate drawing element takes requires some additional SVG syntax that we don't have implemented in Inkscape yet for various reasons (like being a SVG 1.2 feature).