I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but could
it be that the "BLUR" settings don't function optimally in Inkscape for Windows
0.45.1 when working on a "pixel" scale (as I do when creating 32x32
The blur-slider and counter stick to zero (or enormous
values), no matter how much you click or type.
Second isue: when pasting (or draging and dropping) images
with a gradient from one document to the other, it happens now and then that
some of the gradients get the wrong color. I suspect because the gradients' id
cease to be unique. Is there anyway to stop this happening?
According to Inkscape 0.45 release notes:
"We only support AI
import and export for Adobe Illustrator 8.0 and
older. This has been
clarified in the Open and Save As lists"
The menu option does not
appear under Windows.
Any tips?
I'm using inkscape 0.45.1
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