Hello everyone.
I'm wondering why .dxf export isn't better supported
Inkscape is a great tool for drawing plans for lasercutters, but all the companies who do the cutting ony accept .dxf
There are a few 'reasonable improvements' available like Better DXF, Better Better DXF and BigBlueSawDXF https://sites.google.com/site/scidiy/inkscape-dxf-output-for-lasercut
But none of them are good enough to deliver a cut file without hassle. Most important are the support of layers (and the use of spaces in the layer names) and SPLINE objects that aren't rendered right.
A good support for .dxf could draw Inkscape into the maker-world. Makershed/Thingtverse/Instructables websites etc.
And I noticed that .dxf is NOT mentioned @ http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FileTypes Is there any particulair reason for this?
What is needed to get .DXF up to par?