On Mar 25, 2006, at 9:25 PM, Benjamin Huot wrote:
Is there any way to save Inkscape drawings in SVG tiny format as that is the only kind of SVG support in current releases of Opera and Firefox?
If not, is this something that might be added in the near future.
Two of the things missing in Inkscape at the moment are SVG Fonts and also animation. However, Firefox is also currently missing these, so they probably wouldn't be blockers for you.
There is an intent to tweak the UI to allow for different "target profiles", to facilitate authoring to specific subsets or platforms. First on the list to target would be SVG Tiny. So whenever it is that time permits, Tiny will be at the top of that list.
Also... there's been a lot of interest in getting at least some Animation going soon, and SVG Tiny's animation is what would probably done first.
I would like to migrate away from SWF to SVG for vector web graphics, but I need some browser support.
Hang out and lend a hand. Even if you can't code, just helping us get details of where Inkscape isn't yet filling your needs would be a major contribution. I'm probably most interested in the UI targeting stuff, so getting into the Jabber chat room some evening PST would be good.