Em 2007/06/01, ās 15:17, Daniel Hulme escreveu:

On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 03:00:38PM +0100, Stathis Sideris wrote:

Or a related theme, there is no way to scale/rotate a subset of the 

nodes of an object in Inkscape (rather than rotating/editing the whole 


Not from the toolbar, but the keyboard shortcuts for scale (, and .) and

rotate ([ and ]) work on the selected nodes in node edit mode.

Well, I am using Inkscape in a Mac, and the keyboard shortcuts for scaling are < and >, in my machine (it seems that . and , are also working here). And it works just fine.

But I am not able to rotate the nodes. Or, at least, that rotation is acting in a weird way. In my keyboard (Apple Powerbook with Portuguese layout), I type the [ and ] characters by pressing Alt/Option 8 and Alt/Option 9. However, whenever I try to rotate the nodes with these two shortcuts, something unexpected happens (please see the image attached to this message). Alt 8 does nothing, and Alt 9 seems to be transforming all the object (is Alt 9 a shortcut for inset ou outset operations?). Alt 0 seems to have an inverse effect.

Maybe Inkscape is using a wrong keyboard layout...? In fact, although I have seen that there are portuguese localizations of Inkscape's interface (at least in other platforms), it still show every string in English. I don't know if those two problems are related... I have just tried to write some characters to test the keyboard layout in Inkscape and the accents and puntuation seem to apear just fine in its correct places. The problem is with the characters that need the Alt/Option key. They simply are not written. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance,
Victor Domingos