Hello, i'm here to announce the release of inkscape gallery on day 11 of February. This is a pre-release, i will inform only the inkscape's communities about that and then, maybe day 28 (it's the nois3lab birthday..) we'll go trying to involve a bigger amount of interested or just curious users and some web magazines, large community websites etc...etc... We'd like you to share this good new everywhere you want, we also need you to spread the inkscape gallery knowledge to let it grows fast. I'm really grateful for the contributions i've received here in the inkscape's user list, i know that many of the last improvements i made were coming from suggestion and even critiques you gave to me. So i hope you will be happy and "proud" as i am, we share a beautiful attitude that is our option for opensource and free software i also hope to share with you the wish to make inkscape gallery great.
Go to spread your vector graphics in inkscape gallery!
Davide http://test.inkscapegallery.net http://www.inkscapegallery.net