This weekend the Inkscape 0.42 release was branched and tagged, and packages posted. Congrats to everyone that participated in this release!
With CVS now tagged and branched, this means we are past the hard freeze. The codebase is now open for commits.
Regarding CVS access: If you need access, the rule is that you must have two patches accepted. I know a *lot* of people had patches accepted, so there's probably a fair number of you who qualify. If this describes you, please email your SourceForge ID to me or another admin. (Note that you can continue using the patch tracker if you prefer, the CVS access is given for your convenience.)
Our final step to complete the release is to get word out about the release. Rejon is creating and distributing release announcements, but I would also like to strongly encourage others to send out word.
Please help us get word out about Inkscape 0.42. Tell people about the nifty new features it has; show off examples of the cool things you're able to do with it; write articles about it in some of the online news sites; find new mailing lists or websites to send our announcement; demo it at LUG's or other OSS gatherings; help friends or family members install it.
Looking further forward, I think there is a general concensus that we want to get 0.43 out more quickly than 0.42. This is mainly to give the SoC students a chance to participate in an open source project's full release cycle. We're hoping that 0.43 can be done on the order of a month or two.