Hi again,
It's the guy who wants to use Inkscape to do animation again...
I just did a simple ball-bounce test animation. I used layers for onion-skinning and output a series of pngs, which were then assembled into an avi in a separate program called Monkey Jam. The curious can see the animation at my sketch blog:
I'm actually pretty excited about the possibility of using Inkscape to do more-or-less traditional, cel style animation. One tedious bit, though, is the outputting of the individual png frames. Would it be possible to write a script or a plug-in that would do that as a batch? So, you'd have background layer plus layer 1 output as 000000.png, background plus layer 2 as 000001.png, and so on? If so, where would I go to learn how to write such a script or plug-in?
Oh, and I'm still on Windows XP for now, in case that affects your answer.
Matt Jordan