Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Nicu the problem was solved.
It was not a problem, only an advice on hot to get the maximum from GIMP
The new version of Gimp does not need to make any index formatting. We just need paste the two layers and try to save as gif and the Gimp ask us about the delay of each frame on saving.
This is not a new feature, it was possible to work your way for a long time. But if you transform manually from true color to indexed GIMP will give a dialog for setting some parameters, like the dithering method or colour number, where you can control how the image will be degraded. http://gug.sunsite.dk/tutorials/tomcat15/
Also, the optimization filter is optional, in the end the file will look just the same, but its size may be larger or smaller.
Thank you for all advices.
Sincerely Ezequias
Nicu Buculei wrote:
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Thank you very much, but now it is too fast.
I did a 2 frame gif (as you can see attached)
We are getting very offtopic, as this is a GIMP trick: you can reduce the file size with about 20% (this is very important for web) using some optimization: GIMP -> Filters -> Animation -> Optimize (for GIF), see the attachment