21 Nov
21 Nov
6:21 a.m.
On Sun, 2016-11-20 at 15:57 -0800, Victor Westmann wrote:
Here it is!
1st draft: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CcV6rEYq5iIzZKkx_qPU6G5rp0O5D UM0EfQ3hD_Gt4o/edit?usp=sharing
I got inspired to do this after I saw the super amazing survey they did in the JS community:
I've put some notes into the draft for you. Others should add theirs. Each of the questions needs to have a short sentence explaining what the question wants to answer for us as a project.
But it's a good start, thanks Victor. You should also post this to inkscape-devel, I think developers will have ideas of what to ask too.
Best Regards, Martin Owens