On 24/05/2012 10:38, Joscha Feth wrote:
Is there a way to pass parameters to verbs, when using the inkscape commandline? I can't seem to find anything, so my guess is no - but in any case it would be needed for --verb=DialogAlignDistribute
There is no way to pass parameters to verbs (with the current implementation, they don't take parameters by design).
Related feature request: - Bug #361237 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/361237 “Provide scriptable method of saving files”
Quoting from comment #1 «Verbs are not designed to take parameters (…)»
With regard to 'Align & Distribute': if additional verbs would be created for individual commands in the dialog (e.g. also used for keyboard shortcuts), you'd be able to use them from the command line as well.
Related feature request (among others): - Bug #189535 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/189535 “align by keys like (alt-v) vertical align (alt-h) horizontal align ”
hth, ~suv