If you're on Linux or Mac, I think this should already be working for Corel Draw files better than v.7. You do need to have a helper program called uniconvertor installed, however. Linux should be able to do this through a package manager (apt, synaptic, yum), don't know about Mac (MacPorts??).
If you're on Windows, there is a patch that's just about ready added to the dev builds to fix this. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/197617
At the moment, Windows users will have to patch the development code, but it's not really that hard. Give it a go and see, you can't break anything. See http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port for a guide that should get you well on the way.
If you're not certain about patching and building, I couldn't do any of this just under two months ago, but I followed the instructions on that wiki page and then improved them a little, and asked questions on the developer mailing list (sister list to this). Pretty soon I was able to help test a whole lot of things for the 0.46 release. I'm sure there are lots more potential testers (developers?) out there. It just takes a little patience to get over the first hurdle, and then it gets addictive.
Another option altogether is to get into www.openclipart.org, which has stacks of strings free clipart. Or there is also clker.com, which uses the openclipart images, but has an alternate interface that's easier to browse.
John Culleton-3 wrote:
On another list I found someone who had a whole library of clip art in .cdr format which appparently is a Corel Draw vector format. Will Inkscape import these files? I don't have a sample to test.