Hi Friends, I needed to add some new paths to existing paths which were in a group. And I hate nested groups. So rather than group the new path with the original group, I decided to combine the new paths with one of the paths inside the group. And I found that combining the new paths to the paths inside the group, removed the new compound path from the group. Should that happen? Steps: 1 -- create 3 paths (or create 1 and duplicate twice) 2 -- place the 3 paths side by side (with or without space between) 3 -- group those 3 paths 4 -- draw a new path 5 -- drag it over beside the left path 6 -- with the Node tool, select the left path and the new path 7 -- Path menu > Combine 8 -- deselect all 9 -- switch to Selection tool and select the group
Notice that the original Group of 3 is now a Group of 2. The newly created compound path has been ejected from the Group. The same thing happens if you enter the group before combining. Should that happen? I don't know why Inkscape should assume that I don't want this new path in the group anymore. I can't say for a fact that this is different behavior than in the past. But it seems like it is. If this is expected, why? If not, this is on Windows 7, 64-bit, sp1, with Inkscape 0.91, 32-bit (exe installer) and 64-bit (7z version). Should be reported?
Thank you very much :-) brynn