(cc'd to the Firefox list as the Jessyink effects order number seems to hit a javascript limitation in Firefox. Example files attached.)
Johnny <yggdrasil@...2719...> writes:
Hannes Hochreiner <hannes@...2460...> writes:
Hi Johnny:
To my surprise, the problem persists! Could there be a limit in the effect numbering (I believe the renumber gives a max order number 0f ~500, where it previously was ~240).
,---- | EDIT: I just tested the renumbering scheme to increment by steps of 1 | | instead of 10, and voila, it works! There seems to be a limitation in | | Jessyink on the effect order number. | `----
If it helps, I can send an anonymised version of the file(s) off-list.
That is indeed somewhat surprising as there should not be a limitation in the maximum order number. You can send the file to the email address I am writing from (hannes@...2460...). Just strip out all the information that you don't consider to be public.
Sent the files off list, if you have time to confirm (or discard) my concluision that the higher order numbers of the effects causes the issue, I'd be much obliged. I have not been able to identify any other suspects... :-/
After Hannes confirmed this was reproducible in Firefox, but not in Chrome, I installed Chrome and, voila, with Chrome it works! (Thanks Hannes!)
For the benefit of anyone else on this list interested in this curiosity, I changed the renumbering script to use increments of 100 and applied it to the jessyink demo file. After renumbering, the file still shows fine in Chrome, but not in Firefox.
For the sake of making playing around easier I have made the step size a command line option to the script and attach the new version.
E.g. To renumber the demo file above in increments of 3, just do ,---- | ./jessy_renumber5.py -v -r 3 jessyink_2_0_0_alpha_1.svg `----
Playing around with this, I get that using the demo file and a step size of 31 works (last effect order: 248), but a step size of 32 fails (last effect order: 256)!
256 seems a familiar binary number, could this have something to do with it...?