In article <20662484.du6kY4JJE0@...2170...>, Tristan Miller wrote:
The PDF files generated by Inkscape are unacceptably large when the document contains bitmap graphics. (An A5 book cover I just did is over 33 megabytes -- far too large to publish online.) I presume this is because Inkscape is embedding raw bitmaps into the PDF file, rather than using JPEG compression.
Is there a tool which will postprocess a PDF file to convert the embedded bitmaps to embedded JPEGs? I would prefer something free (GPL or the like) and available for GNU/Linux.
I just discovered a tool which does what I want: PStill It is available for several platforms in command-line and GUI versions, though it is not free software.
I still think that there must be some way of doing this with Ghostscript, but I haven't as yet figured it out.
Regards, Tristan