On Wednesday 01 November 2006 10:37, Johan Engelen wrote:
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 15:46:27 +0100 From: "Wolfgang Schulz" <w.schulz@...158...>
Sorry for asking the stuff with the arrows - I didn't find it in the archive. Where is the difficulty with the arrows.
One of the problems is this that the actual length of the line has to be changed: the arrow is an added item to a line, the line is still drawn the normal way. Because it has some thickness it will also have some thickness at its endpoint, while the requirement is that the endpoint is sharp (the arrow's tip). In order for this to work the line should be made a bit shorter. At the moment this has to be done manually, but perhaps in the near future I can make it so that Inkscape automatically changes the length of the line. Unfortunately I don't have time to work on it for at least this month, sorry. Don't know how it will work with snapping though...
What about not rendering the pixels out of the arrow tip (or making them transparent)?
But, isn't the behaviour of arrows specified in the svg format (I don't know, I'm just asking)?
Just my 2p.