9 Apr
9 Apr
8:26 p.m.
In article <20070409164911.GB31981@...983...>, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Is there a tool which will postprocess a PDF file to convert the embedded bitmaps to embedded JPEGs? I would prefer something free (GPL or the like) and available for GNU/Linux.
You might try pdftk. I don't know if it has recompression capabilties, but it's got quite a few capabilities for re-processing PDF files.
I've got that (one of my favourite programs, in fact); it doesn't transcode embedded images.
Regards, Tristan
_V.-o Tristan Miller [en,(fr,de,ia)] >< Space is limited
/ |`-' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= <> In a haiku, so it's hard
(7_\ http://www.nothingisreal.com/ >< To finish what you