On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 11:27:11 +0200, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...226...> wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
It is my opinion that introducing resolution-dependent units into SVG and especially allowing them to mix with absolute units was a very bad idea. One way to mitigate the consequences is to try to always use only pixels or only absolute units. This is what we do; we convert all lengths to SVG pixels internally and write them as anonymous SVG pixels on save. If you're interested in absolute units, just consider the SVG pixels as yet another absolute unit with the fixed 0.8 coefficient to points.
I agree this is the sane thing to do (especially since you can't even use real-world units everywhere), but if you're only using SVG pixels, why not specify a viewBox, this would make sure that other renderers display it identically. And it would also make the files "forwards-compatible", in the sense that even if InkScape would change it's definition of a pixel in the future old files would still be interpreted in exactly the same way.
As far as I remember from our testing of various renderers, viewbox does not have any effect on the pixel/absolute ratio. Mental, can you please summarize what you found out by posting to the SVG list about this?