-- Zealous crop --
This should be just a button in Doc Prefs, "canvas to drawing". Makes
a lot more sense there than in an extension, and easy to add.
-- Desaturate --
I'm actually working on a complete H/S/L adjust dialog on selection,
which will be able to tweak colors in any way. So if you want you can
whip it up as an extension for now, but I hope it will be obsoleted by
my dialog later.
-- Align by font size --
I haven't decided whether I like this effect or not, but it seems to be
popular. Basically people seem to be taking a block of text, and to
make it align on the left and right sides, they adjust the size of the
font for that line. So the text:
might have the font sizes of 36, 24, and 10 for each word respectively.
What prevents you from grabbing these lines as separate objects and
scaling them by Selector? That would adjust their font size
(I didn't do the math, I'm just trying to make an example, don't go
and see if those are the right sizes). To do this in Inkscape today
you'd have to manually adjust the font sizes until it looked good, which
can take a while.
No, just scale them with selector. You just need to have these lines
as separate objects.
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.
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