I use Microsoft OneNote to take notes with my tablet, sometimes I need to modify the sketches - and there's no better tool than Inkscape for that.
Simply selecting the paths in OneNote and pasting them into Inkscape works as expected. The problem is that the resulting objects have a great number of nodes, so it becomes very difficult to apply any further transformations. Even on a reasonably fast machine, scaling an object takes a while.
I made a short video, to illustrate what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOcE7C4_NN8
The workarounds I found are: - press Ctrl+L multiple times to simplify the paths (Inkscape will freeze, but if you're patient - it comes back eventually). Don't be too greedy, if you Simplify multiple times without waiting for Inkscape to update the rendered image - it will crash.
- save OneNote's image to a bitmap, then trace the bitmap with Inkscape. This produces objects that have a relatively sane number of nodes, but this operation takes more time and involves the use of other tools- it is not as convenient as copy/pasting.
Taking notes directly in Inkscape does not produce good results. There is a delay between the stroke of the pen and the appearance of the stroke on the screen - so I don't see what I'm writing. Apparently, this short-timed lack of feedback is sufficient to make me hate my own handwriting.
So, this boils down to 2 questions: 1. can someone suggest a better approach to migrating sketches from OneNote to Inkscape?
2. is there something I can change in my Inkscape habits in order to be able to take notes directly in Inkscape?
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