If you would like to learn more about displaying and selling your art, you might consider joining this Yahoo list.


It is where you will find artists and art show directors for almost all the major Science Fiction, Fantasy and Cosplay conventions. it's a very active and friendly list.

Good luck!

E.C. "Stan" Field
Reality is the Illusion!

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Ted Gould <ted@...10...> wrote:
On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 21:17 +0000, smokeyts@...1263... wrote:
> Hi all, I have been trying to get in touch with somebody who can tell
> me what I need to do to get permission to sell my art work that was
> created with Inkscape and some with other programs as well.  I would
> like to post them on RedBubble for sale. Could someone please let me
> know what I need to do.

Inkscape puts no requirements on the documents that you create with it.
You are free to do anything you wish with them.  You don't need to ask
us for permission.

I can't speak for your other tools, but it is highly unusual that they
would put requirements on the work that you do with them.
