Christopher B. Wright wrote:
Terry Hancock wrote:
You don't say what O/S you're using. On Linux, Inkscape puts autosave files in your ~/.inkscape directory. All you have to do is rename them to *.svg and open them again. I don't know about other platforms.
I think it actually tries to autosave before crashing when something goes wrong.
I'm running Kubuntu. It actually put the file in my home directory, not /.inkscape.
Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@...537...)
Hmm... /.inkscape and ~/.inkscape are not the same directory -- the latter means /home/<your-username>/.inkscape/ so, putting it in ~/.inkscape would be under your home directory. Or did you mean it dropped it straight into ~?
This is 0.41, though -- we use Debian, and we haven't upgraded to Etch yet.
Cheers, Terry