On 6/19/07, Dave Niezabitowski <dniezby@...1263...> wrote:
See, this is why we need a central forum. So users can search for these common questions.
Keenan, It's pretty easy. Simply draw a square around the area you want visible. Make sure it's the VERY top layer or object. Then CTRL+A OBJECT>CLIP>SET
Your image is now cropped. Keep in mind though, they objects are still there, they're just hidden. If you export it, you will be able to export the selection and only the visible areas will be exported.
That makes everything else invisible, but the dimensions of the SVG file and the part I'm interested in are unchanged, so I get a big mostly blank image with a tiny thing inside it. How can I actually make the SVG file smaller, so the part I'm interested in fills the whole frame?
Also, it would be nice if I could really get rid of everything outside the crop region, so that the size of the SVG file (in terms of bytes) gets smaller.