28 Sep
28 Sep
1:41 p.m.
At 10.56 28/09/2005, you wrote:
Fill the circle with the picture, that should do the trick.
I tried this the other day, it's nice, but there are a few steps to get it right.
Sorry, talking about Inkscape 0.42.2 and Windows Xp
- Drop the picture into the document, move it over the object and resize it
so it lines up how you like it
ok, I made a circle and imported a jpg file of my daughter, I need a circle with her face into.
- Edit -> Object(s) to Pattern (Alt-I)
I need to select the object, the picture or both ?
- Delete the picture
I tried many times, but it's not possible, it deletes both :-)
- Select the object, and assign the new Pattern as the fill.
Where is this command ?
Sorry, don't forget me :-))