Quoting "Hibbs, Phil" <phil.hibbs@...926...>:
I'm not sure what a 100% solution would look like...
It would look like a checkbox on the Selecting tab of the Inkscape Preferences dialog.
Not really. That'd just mean chosing between two behaviors that are the "least worst" in different situations.
When I say 100%, I mean I want this to work for you without you having to grovel through preferences, without breaking it for people that use the tab selection for other kinds of things.
Could you back up briefly and summarize the kind of artwork you're doing where it helps to compare the two shapes you're tweaking?
I missed the beginning of the thread, and I'm thinking once I have a better picture of the kind of work you're doing a more "outside the box" solution might present itself.
Maybe we should even have some sort of feature that highlights the differences between two shapes as you edit one?