19 Sep
19 Sep
4:15 p.m.
Autor: Nicu Buculei <nicu@...143...> [NB] MsgID: 432EA632.3000508@...143... Datum: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:51:14 +0300
Then the standard answer is: you can't have real drop shadows until Inkscape will support SVG filters, but in the meantime a workaround is to enable the "Effects" menu and use "Blur Edge"
I upgrade from Slackware 10.1 to Slackware 10.2 and stay on Inkscape cvs 20050907-2220 with enabled Filters menu. Now, some of them work, other not work - Drop Shadow work OK, bud Blur Edge not work for full. Effect Blur Edge create group of five objects (number of steps defined in effect dialog) but group is not visible I mean, I select group that I can see.
whats wrong there?
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