On 10/11/2009 12:42 AM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
Antonio Roberts wrote: Inkscape uses SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics. Anti-aliasing is a feature. Try GIMP http://www.gimp.org/
That's just bollocks. Because the OP is asking for using vector graphics with a discretized rendering mode. They are not asking pixel editing. I'm sure, they are well aware of the possible alternatives for pixel by pixel editing.
Anit-aliasing is a feature of the SVG renderer, not of the SVG spec. What's more, the spec even mentions how a renderer should behave it doesn't implement filtering, quote:
"clipping paths, which uses any combination of 'path', 'text' and basic shapes to serve as the outline of a (in the absence of anti-aliasing) 1-bit mask, [...]"
Again, it is nowhere written that a SVG renderer needs to provide filtered output. And even if it did, by setting the filter size to 1x1 pixel and using a box filter, you can force a renderer to do "unfiltered" output. It is just a matter of the renderer exposing the filter settings. If the rendering backend of Inkscape doesn't do this, the OPs question should maybe considered a feature request. ;)