Looking at now as the presentation of our friends was made: "Ted Gould"[1] and "Bryce Harrington"[2], in LGM
I would like to share the presentations[3,4] that I made here in Brazil on Inkscape, different of that he exists I I used Layers.
To facilitate the presentation in layers, I made a request[5] and reported one bug[6].
Two photos of the participants if find in a notice(pt_BR)[7] published in the InkscapeBrasil, other photos are for the InterNet in flirck for example.
[1] http://gould.cx/ted/presentations/lgm/ [2] http://www.bryceharrington.org/lgm07 [3] http://twiki.softwarelivre.org/pub/InkscapeBrasil/ApresentacaoInkscapeDesenh... [4] http://twiki.softwarelivre.org/pub/InkscapeBrasil/QuemEOInkscape/PalestraFLI... [5] sf.net / inkscape / request #1714270 [6] sf.net / inkscape / bug #1714277 [7] http://twiki.softwarelivre.org/bin/view/InkscapeBrasil/Noticia20070501002020