On Jan 30, 2006, at 7:23 PM, Thetargos wrote:
Getting the effects menu to appear did the trick, and the images seem to be embedded just right. Will keep an eye if there are any problems with the pixmaps. I have only tried to embed jpegs and pngs, as I saw they were the ones supported best in both scripts. I wonder if it could also embed .xpms or other pixmap formats (not layerd, of course!)
Technically, you can embed whatever you feel like.
Of course, it's up to the rendering software to decide what to do with them. Inkscape just passes on the raw image data to GTK+ and lets it deal with the pixmap and rendering.
"Conforming" viewers need to support png, jpeg and svg in the <image> element. Other things may work, depending on which software is showing it, the OS it is on, and even the version of libs & toolkits. However, to stay the most compatible, stick to just those three.