On 14/4/11 14:46, Moritz Moeller wrote:
On 04/14/2011 01:37 PM, ~suv wrote:
Perhaps you missed
On 14/4/11 09:26, donn wrote:
Perhaps there's some clever way to do this with clipping or masking?
There's no claim in the linked screenshot and in the quoted description to actually use a varying blur radius ("demonstrates the use of Gaussian Blur for _imitating_ the "depth of field" effect where different parts of an object are blurred to different extent")
I did not miss anything and neither did I take part part of the OPs message out of context to make a point. ;)
The OP asked for /varying/ blur radius /via/ (possibly) clipping or masking. He did /not/ ask for clipping or masking to fade a /constant/ blur.
I would tend to think the difference is totally apparent but my background is in film. :)
You are right - my earlier reply was uncalled-for, sorry ...