heathenx wrote:
clicks on one of my links). :( Next up is how to slice it up and stick it back together via css.
In my first attempt, I did a combination of XHTML(CSS, bitmaps, and SVG embedded via the '<object ...' tag. In case that the browser doesn't support SVG yet, there's at least /something/ on the page. ;-) I don't use tables anymore /at all /(everything done via CSS).
Is there a method for crushing or compressing svg graphics for the web. Hmm...
In Inkscape, there's an option "Compressed Inkscape SVG/.svgz". I haven't checked it out how Firefox etc. renders those graphics.
Opera 9.5 renders the site the best so far.
Really? With my site, there are problems with the embedded PNG's (with alpha channel). They are horizontally slightly distorted. (Opera 9.13/Ubuntu "Breezy").
P.S.: Btw, on the Ubuntu forums site there's an amazing number of Ubuntu screenshots http://ubuntuforums.org/g/index.php?c=1 available. I really love Ubuntu/Linux! Especially interesting is the new Xubuntu, which has XCFE as a windows manager. I find it really amazing what one can do with XCFE (and Linux desktops in general).