A new version of Inkscape is now available for use. Inkscape 0.37 includes many major new features, numerous bug fixes, and extensive codebase cleanup.
Briefly ======= * New functionality: boolean operations on paths, dynamic and linked offsets, path outlining, standalone SVG viewer, drag-and-drop, letter-spacing. * More convenient editing: top panel, new color widget, 256x zoom, snapped rotation with Ctrl everywhere, selecting within groups, lots of new shortcuts, and more. * Interface and usability: saving view with the document, zoom history, fullscreen, hide/show all open dialogs, smarter export dialog, helpful statusbar, and much more. * Inkscape internals: built with C++, brand new classes for points, rects, matrices, and URIs, massive cleanups. * Last but not least: tutorial for new users, keys and mouse reference, Inkscape User mailing list, hassle-free Windows builds.
More Detailed Info ================== Release Notes http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes037
Screenshots http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/index.php
Download From ============= http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93438
RPM, Debian, Windows, and source versions are available.
Please visit http://www.inkscape.org to learn more, join our User Mailing List, chat with the developers, and submit your ideas for making Inkscape the leading SVG-compliant vector graphics tool.