Emil wrote:
I have created an rfe - no. 1343044 - and attached a drawing to the rfe illustrating this feature. Emil, please review the rfe to confirm this is what is wanted: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=93438&atid=604309
Great you made the RFE Adam! It looks right to me. But in your example image the repaint starts in one node point and ends in another node point, and it should not work like that but as you say in the text; start and end can be at any point of the line. But maybe that is clear without changing the example image?
I don't know if we need to clearify how the pencil should behave when the start point is on the line but the end point ain't. In illustrator all parts of the line after the start point is removed and replaced by the new line you just drew. Do you follow what I mean?
Regards Emil
Hi Emil
Yes, I understand. I have Illustrator and use it quite a bit, so I know this feature. I confess that I was lazy and a bit cheeky - I just took the image out of my Illustrator online help. (The hounds of hell will now track me down and rip me to bits for such a confession.)
I have now done my own drawing of what I think we want and loaded it with the rfe. Please check it out to make sure it is OK - I always need a sanity check! I hope that drawing plus this email will explain what is wanted.
[Curiously, I had a problem with replacing the image - I did a nice svg drawing and bless me all my svg-enabled browser would show me was a chequer-board-like meaningless image so I replaced it (again!) with a png file.]
Hope all is well now. I suppose "all" that remains is for someone to implement the request!
Thanks and regards