On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 10:14:36AM +0200, Bo??tjan ??peti?? wrote:
At worst, for the latter, I will use the grid and easily reconnects the boxes each time I move them (after all it just doubles the number of drags'n drops). As you see, I will be satisfied with tricky/unorthodox/creative ways to do those.
- Would you say I am on the wrong way using Inkscape to do diagrams or
you yourself regularly make diagrams with Inkscape.
i'm sorry, i'd like inkscape to know the things dia does, but it really isn't meant for diagrams... the grid is probably the best solution.
When we founded Inkscape, we set the project with the goal of gaining these things, so while it isn't great at diagramming currently, it's definitely within scope for our development efforts and plans.
What we really need is more folks focusing on implementing these capabilities. I think at least half of the current developers focus on more of the hard core "artistic" capabilities of Inkscape, and another large chunk has been focusing on structural issues (gtkmm, memory management, extensions, etc.) Thus I think we could really use a few more team members with interest working on diagramming features (and a lot of other stuff!)
Btw, if anyone's interested, but aren't sure of their C skills, there is a discussion thread on the inkscape-devel@ list about learning coding. Some new coders have asked about how to get started in coding, and the developers are sharing about tools, books, and techniques. If you've ever had a desire to learn C/C++, this'd be a good opportunity. Since there's others also learning the same, you won't feel out of place and I bet there's going to be some good basic discussions through the summer about coding, that you'd be afraid to ask otherwise. ;-)
I can't emphasize enough the value of learning coding while working on an Open Source project (I myself learned much of my development skills working with other folks online one summer break back in my college years.) In an online project you benefit from being able to do real, tangible work, learn from existing code, and get direct feedback from some very skilled coders. You also learn a lot that you won't find in a programming book, like source code management, working with others, going through release cycles, and interacting with users. Plus it's extremely fun. :-)
btw, dia can export to svg, but it uses some strange techniques... (the oval corners get exported as separate curves for example :)
Bostjan, can you report these as bugs to dia?