I believe Inkscape has a feature request page on the home site.  Someone may give you a status update here if they're actually working on incorporating the feature. 
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Claus Cyrny <claus.cyrny@...373...2...> wrote:

I would like to know if there's a chance to incorporate the feature
"beveled strokes" into Inkscape sometime in the not-too-distant future.
(I'm not sure if SVG supports this, though). Years ago, when I was still
using Windows, I had Canvas 7 installed, that had this feature, and I
really liked what one can do with that.



Claus Cyrny : Webdesign |  Grafik | Fotografie
:: Web: http://home.arcor.de/ccyrny/ ::.

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