Andre Sousa wrote:
Some improvments
Can we please return the traditional colors for shape icons (rect blue, ellipse red, star yellow)?
Saw the preview... nice
Some icons missing: clonetiler_per_row clonetiler_per_column
Done. Well... I put in the file some new icons (24x24) that try to indicate the behavior of each tab of the window "clone tiler". I think the 24x24 size could be acceptable because it wouldn't make the window bigger.
couldn't find this icon in the original file ?!? please help!
The up-to-date icons file is at http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs/*checkout*/inkscape/inkscape/trunk/share/...
I added three icons, two for:
- text on path
- remove text from path
and one for
- swatches
Please have a look
Unfortunately, both the zip and tar.gz are giving me a 404
Great work! Thanks again!