On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 07:31:38 +0000 (UTC) Michael Grosberg <grosberg.michael@...155...> wrote:
Brynn <brynn@...125...> writes:
Have you searched Launchpad, to see if that has already been reported, or discussed?
Couldn't find anything.
I'll be glad to do a quick test for you. I have a similar system, except with less RAM. Exactly which file did you download (zip, exe, 64, 32, etc.)?
It's the same on two different versions, one was a development version from about a year ago (froma 7zip archive), and now an MSI installer. But as I said on my workstation at the office, with similar hardware, same OS and Inkscape version, no problem. I'm thinking maybe a specific font is causing this. I'll try to see if I can uninstall some fonts, maybe that'll solve it.
Anybody else seeing missing icons, though?
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On Slackware Linux 14.1 I can fire up 0.48.5 in five seconds from click on the icon. On the same machine I can fire up 0.91pre2 version 13549 four seconds from a command line. So there is a pause but not a burdensome one.