On 2007-October-04 , at 13:17 , Victor Domingos wrote:
I wish I could test one of the latest development versions in my PowerBook G4... When will be available a new PPC build?
There were a few people with PPC machines saying that they will try to make a dev build, but I haven't heard back from them. You could: - use the dev build for panther (it's PPC and works on Tiger too). but it's quite old already (and does not have the new theme I think) - make a build yourself! it's not that hard or that long, especially with a PowerBook (I used to build mine on a low end iBook). the information on http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ CompilingMacOsX is quite up to date now and you should be able to follow it step by step. If you do it, it will help the many other users who want to test these features!
Hoping to hear back from you soon. Cheers,
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/